(And later in the novel, Obi-Wan gets a facefull of an entire crate of intoxicating spores and Hilarity Ensues) Later a lot more people took notice of how often he seems to drink in The Clone Wars as well, leading to a minor revival of the in-joke these include him needing to drink by virtue of being Anakins mentor and/or life hating him, puns on his mentors surname sounding like Gin, him being a Drunken Master, him and Anakin passing out from drunkenness instead of being poisoned in the TCW episode ∽ooku Captured (though this is also due to legitimate confusion over why they were knocked out despite apparently switching out the drugged drinks), prematurely aging because of this supposed habit, and forgetting about Artoo because hes too drunk to remember him.
#Star wars memes movie#
Explanation An old fandom joke and Fanon due to how Obi-Wan seems to have a glass of some kind of alcohol or make reference to it at least once every movie he has a living role in, not helped by the fact that in Labyrinth of Evil it was his idea to go bar-hopping getting drinks while finding information on the bounty hunter he and Anakin are hunting, and gets both himself and Anakin half-drunk in the process. Explanation Russian Reversal meets Yoda Speak.
In Russia Soviet, generate Yoda memes can.
To deliver alleged wisdom, it is most often used. Explanation To do the same, many fans tend.
C3PO being the source of endless crappy "gay jokes" and the idea that he and Artoo are a gay couple. " Obi-Wan Kenobi listening to whatever the fuck R2-D2 is explaining to him" Explanation From Kanye West's song " On Sight ", specifically the section from 1:59 to 2:07 (which is Kanye saying "uh-huh" alongside a synthline) is usually used as a way to describe such beeps and how everyone can understand them. Explanation Mostly self-explanatory, all of his "dialogue" was beeps. R2-D2 was the most vulgar character in the movie. Explanation These sound effects have become The Coconut Effect of robotic noises. Any and all of R2-D2's trademark beeping. This is just one of their most famous lines. Explanation The Separatist Battle Droids have notoriously bad comprehension skills and a comically nasal voice. Explanation In response to Carrie Fisher's death, lots of people responded like this. Explanation At first a sarcastic remark by Han, it was taken straight in later films and as fanspeak (as well as used just as sarcastically as the first time). Almost always Blatant Lies when taken literally. We have cookies! Explanation One of the many alleged perks of being in "evil" groups. Explanation A stock card-carrying Affably Evil phrase tossed around online, using phrasing from the franchise but with no clear origin therein. It's pervaded the Star Wars Expanded Universe, crept into franchise Fanspeak and even spread beyond Star Wars. Explanation Said by somebody at least once in every movie. Many think the credits are in the same style. The famous Opening Scroll Explanation Originally from Flash Gordon, fans have used it in their own works and parodies. Explanation The opening text scrawl for all of the "Episode" movies. A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. Further mutations and successor memes, if any. Explanation The explanation behind the meme. So here are 25 gut-busting creations from fans who take the high ground, become the senate, and put the "ooba" in "ooba ooba.Please add entries in the following format: And what do adults in the 2010s do with beloved things from their childhoods? Why, make memes about them of course! All of a sudden, the odd acting and script choices that made the movies so bad make the memes so good.
Now the kids who grew up with the prequels are adults. And fun they were, even many years later. Why wouldn't they? There were colorful spaceships, Jedi that did sick flips while fighting, and, best of all, podracing! As kids, they didn't care if the movies were actually good. The children who grew up watching the prequels as they released loved them. The prequels were simply an insult to Star Wars, and it seemed that no one would ever embrace them. They came for lightsaber fights featuring Jedi in their prime only to find boring scenes about space politics.
Fans of Star Wars were outraged to find that the character of Darth Vader was reduced to whiny Anakin. Wooden performances, a ridiculous script, and CGI that was too ambitious for its time blended together into a perfect storm of terrible filmmaking. For a long time, the Star Wars prequels were widely considered to be very bad movies.