Renderman mesh light
Renderman mesh light

Let's make it a little bit more orangey, more towards yellow, but you can play with that. If I put it at -1, it just turns off the color, but we can leave it at the default 'cause it gives it, sort of just a slightly warmer tinge. That sort of tints it a little bit warmer. Now by default there's this color temperature of 5500 kelvins I believe. Let's make it sort of, warmer, yellow, maybe a de-saturated yellow. But now we can sort of balance it out, now that we know it's working. We'll take a look at that when we dive into that scene with the materials. So that's pretty cool, we just created, like, this one light source is creating like, moody light, and if you remember in the still life scene, we had that on the candles. Remember we're in the Path Tracer right now. If we did a final render we would get rid of that. Now it's creating shadows down here, shadows in here, and of course it's noisy, but that's okay. So we can see this nice, subtle lighting, and if I want to bring that exposure up, you know, I can really crank it, so it's getting quite noisy, but you know, at 16, that's kind of our only light source that's illuminating this scene. If I go out, now remember, we got rid of that environment map. So now we can see it really, kind of crank out, and if we took a look at bookmarks on our camera, I'm going to move that over. So, first of all, exposure, that will just take it up and down, so let's take it to 10. I'm going to keep this window on top, and here we see we have exposure, color temperature, and a few other settings. I'm just going to go into my RMSMeshLightShape. I've still got my IPR going, so I'm not going to stop and start it. But now we have just this NURBS sphere, and it's quite subtle, but it's certainly giving off light. So the only light in this scene should be that mesh light, let's see if that is the case, so I'm going to kick off an IPR render, and it is gray, and we can't see much, but it is working, because we turned off all other lights, so if we look at our other renders, that's what it looked like before.


We'll add it back in later, so I'm going to select, the environment light in our outliner, that's our dome light with the full moon on it. We don't want to see it because we won't know what is what.

renderman mesh light

I mean, we created this sphere into a mesh light, but before we do that, let's get rid of our environment light.

renderman mesh light

So we've got our mesh lights set up in the scene, and let's do just a quick render, before modifying anything about it just to see what that did.

Renderman mesh light